Adding workflows

Workflows are automatically added to the Workflow Catalog. This is done by regularly searching Github repositories for matching workflow structures. The catalog includes workflows based on the following criteria.

Generic workflows

  • The workflow is contained in a public Github repository.

  • The repository has a file, containing the words “snakemake” and “workflow” (case insensitive).

  • The repository contains a workflow definition named either Snakefile or workflow/Snakefile.

  • If the repository contains a folder rules or workflow/rules, that folder must at least contain one file ending on .smk.

  • The repository is small enough to be cloned into a Github Actions job (very large files should be handled via Git LFS, so that they can be stripped out during cloning).

  • The repository is not blacklisted here.

Standardized Usage workflows

In order to additionally appear in the “standardized usage” area, repositories additionally have to:

  • have their main workflow definition named workflow/Snakefile (unlike for plain inclusion (see above), which also allows just Snakefile in the root of the repository),

  • provide configuration instructions under config/

  • contain a YAML file .snakemake-workflow-catalog.yml in their root directory, which configures the usage instructions displayed by this workflow catalog.

Typical content of the .snakemake-workflow-catalog.yml file:

    desc: # describe your flags here in a few sentences
    flags: # put your flags here
    conda: true # whether pipeline works with '--sdm conda'
    singularity: true # whether pipeline works with '--sdm singularity/apptainer'
    singularity+conda: true # whether pipeline works with '--sdm conda singularity/apptainer'
    report: true # whether creation of reports using 'snakemake --report' is supported


Definition of mandatory flags can happen through a list of strings (['--a', '--b']), or a single string ('--a --b').


The content of the .snakemake-workflow-catalog.yml file is subject to change. Flags might change in the near future, but current versions will always stay compatible with the catalog.

Once included in the standardized usage area you can link directly to the usage instructions for your repository via the URL<owner>/<repo>. Do not forget to replace the <owner> and <repo> tags at the end of the URL.

Release handling

If your workflow provides Github releases, the catalog will always just scrape the latest non-preview release. Hence, in order to update your workflow’s records here, you need to release a new version on Github.