Snakemake workflow catalog
The Snakemake Workflow Catalog aims to provide a regularly updated list of high-quality workflows that can be easily reused and adapted for various data analysis tasks. By leveraging the power of Snakemake, these workflows promote:
Snakemake workflows produce consistent results, making it easier to share and validate scientific findings.
Snakemake workflows can be executed on various environments, from local machines to clusters and clouds.
Snakemake workflows allow easy customization and extension, enabling users to adapt them to their needs.
Short cuts
Improving PRs or issues with the workflow catalog (only the catalog, not the workflows themselves) can be made here
Improving PRs or issues with the listed workflows can be made at the respective workflow repository (see indivuidual workflow pages).
Resources for creating new workflows can be found here or in more detail on the Snakemake documnentation
New workflows will be automatically added to the workflow catalog if they are contained in eligible Github repositories